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These home and natural remedies help with allergies

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An allergy often manifests itself with itchy skin areas – Foto: Voyagerix /

Especially in spring and summer, allergies can be overwhelming and make life incredibly uncomfortable. There is a high probability that you or someone you know suffers from seasonal allergies, house dust allergies, or food allergies. Most people who are struggling with an allergy go to the doctor for treatment and routinely receive medications ranging from acetaminophen to antihistamines. Both can suppress the allergy symptoms in the short term, but they do not help for long and can make the situation even worse. Fortunately, allergy sufferers can find some remedies among natural remedies that provide relief in a natural way.

Natural home remedies

Many people swear by the soothing effect of apple vinegar on allergy symptoms, as it can reduce the production of mucus and cleanse the lymphatic system. Swallow at least one tablespoon of apple vinegar a day or add one tablespoon of apple vinegar to a cup of hot water with honey.

The Asian Reishi mushroom, also called Ling Zhi in Chinese, is a Far Eastern allergy remedy that the Chinese swear by. Similar to cortisone, the Reishi mushroom has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is due to the triterpenes contained in the mushroom. Reishi mushrooms are excellent in soups or stews. They are also available in dried form.


Yes, the last thing you probably want to do when you feel uncomfortable is exercise. However, researchers in Thailand found that moderate to intensive activity for just 30 minutes can provide significant relief from allergies. The hypothesis is that this relief occurs because physical activity causes an anti-inflammatory effect in your nasal passages, which naturally reduces allergy symptoms. If you have extremely high pollen levels, an indoor workout is likely to be more beneficial because it reduces re-exposure.

Local honey

Allergy symptoms are the reaction of your body to a substance that it classifies as harmful to your health. The runny nose, mucus and watery eyes are your body’s attempt to flush the foreign substances out of your system. Unfortunately, you cannot simply tell your body that grass and pollen are not bad. But you can help your body learn that the local habitat is not dangerous. You do this by introducing your body to small doses of grass and pollen that only irritate it minimally. This is where the local honey comes in. Bees create their honey from the surrounding area. Their honey therefore contains traces of the pollen to which your body reacts.

While the daily intake of one tablespoon of honey does not immediately relieve your allergy symptoms, it can of course help to reduce your allergy symptoms (see allergic rhinitis in house dust allergy) over time. Like honey, bee pollen also contains the natural substances in which bees live. Sprinkled on fruit or salad, it provides a light, sweet crunch.

Neti pot, saline rinse and nasal sprays

Your nasal passage is an ingenious system of countless tiny passages. For most of us, these passages are full of nooks and crannies where dirt and pollen can easily be trapped. Until this foreign matter is removed, your body will most likely continue to try to remove it from your system. This can cause a runny nose, coughing, sneezing and watery eyes. With a so-called neti pot, you can use saline solution to flush your nasal passages and relieve your allergy symptoms. Not sure if you want to pour liquid into your nose? You are not alone in this. Neti pots are not for everyone. A nasal spray is an alternative. By injecting saline solution into your nose once a day, you can flush the same harmful irritants out of your nasal passage.


In some cases, allergy symptoms are due to the fact that your body’s immune system is unbalanced. This can cause you to react more strongly to foreign stimuli such as pollen, dust and grass. Probiotics give your immune system a boost by introducing beneficial bacteria into your digestive tract. A good source of probiotics can be found in fermented foods like kimchi. Kombucha is another source of probiotics. Both are delicious supplements to almost any meal.