Going on holiday as an allergy sufferer

Travelling as an allergy sufferer is not always easy | depositphotos © nd3000
As an allergy sufferer you have not had an easy time of it so far. Hardly any holiday flat, hotel, hostel or pension was designed to meet the needs of allergy sufferers. For example, often before booking, the permission for dogs in the room is not visible at a glance. Whoever then comes into a room as an allergy sufferer, where there are still dog hairs on the carpet and it smells like dog, may have a real problem. Often the mattresses are not sufficiently protected against dust mites or flowers with a high allergy potential are planted directly under the window. The list of possible dangers for allergy sufferers is long and still many allergy sufferers often do not take their allergy seriously and prefer to simply take a quick medication if necessary.
Allergy tourism is growing
Fortunately, the travel industry is slowly waking up, which is no wonder. A good third of the population in Germany and other countries is now plagued by allergies. The market for corresponding products is correspondingly high. Be it medicines or even aids against house dust allergies, etc. And the travel industry has also discovered a new business segment with special offers for allergy sufferers. Many hoteliers and landlords have now also started to make their accommodation a little more allergy-friendly (e.g. with mite-proof mattress covers, ban on dogs (or special rooms for dog owners), artificial flowers at the breakfast table, low-allergy food, etc.)
Different allergies mean different destinations

Borkum with its ocean climate is ideal for allergy sufferers | depositphotos © ivonnewierink
If you suffer from particularly severe allergies, you should possibly choose your destination based on your allergy. There are many possibilities here. Those who are particularly allergic to animals should avoid farms. If you are allergic to early flowering plants (e.g. alder, hazel or birch), you should postpone your holiday or go to the North or Baltic Sea. Here the wind blows a large part of the pollen inland, away from the coast. These two coastal regions are also particularly interesting for neurodermatitis sufferers. The salty air and the sun are particularly good for the skin.
The island of Borkum (westernmost island of the East Frisian North Sea) with its ocean climate, for example, was chosen as the first
allergy-friendly island.
Overall, it can be said that an allergy sufferer should avoid the triggers of the allergy. This can be done by postponing the journey to a pollen-free time, by choosing the appropriate destinations (desert regions, coast, mountains) and by carefully choosing the right accommodation.
Which destinations are ideal for house dust allergy sufferers?
As a house dust allergy sufferer, you should be aware of the triggers of the house dust allergy, i.e. the dust mites. As dust mites are practically no longer found at an altitude of 1500 metres above sea level, it may be advisable to move to the mountains as the next destination. Since house dust allergy sufferers often also suffer from other allergies such as grass and pollen, a stay at the North or Baltic Sea can also provide relief. Especially if you pay attention to our article “Travelling with a house dust allergy” and take appropriate precautions.
Recently it has become much easier to travel as an allergy sufferer. Many providers have recognized the problems of various allergies and offer solutions. If you then match your destination to your allergy, you should be able to enjoy your holiday as much as you deserve.